Eren Lee Goes Vegan

Eren Lee, by all accounts, is a strapping young man with a heart made of gold. The kind of gold that is created when a filthy statue of liberty waving signs outside of a pawn shop convinces you to melt your wedding ring in exchange for $7. The best kind of gold. 

His mustache is both beautiful and repulsive. Repulsive if you are most people, but beautiful if you drive a white windowless van.  We're not sure how old he is. Also not sure if Eren Lee is his first name or not, although we've occasionally wondered. 

Now that you know who Eren Lee is, know this: Eren Lee is going vegan for one month to get healthy, get in shape, and encourage others to think about what they eat and why. I added that last one. Check back on the ION blog for weekly updates on his progress.

And check out these before photos. 



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